A1 and Renalfa signed a Power Purchase Agreement for green energy, the first one in the region

GmbH have signed a long–term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for solar energy. The contract envisages the supply of 20 000 MWh clean energy per annum for the next 10 years.
Along with the clean energy supply, Renalfa will provide the so-called sleeving service to A1 via its subsidiary Toki.bg. Sleeving is the process of transforming the pay-as-produced PV profile of the generation project into the consumption schedule of the telecom through the electricity market. This is the first Sleeving agreement on the Bulgarian market. The underlying energy will be generated by a photovoltaic power plant of 33 MWp installed capacity, part of Renalfa’s portfolio, located in South Bulgaria.
“Climate change is arguably the biggest challenge of the 21st century. While digital technologies can support sustainable development, the unprecedented global data usage during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused our industry to consume more energy than ever before. As part of A1 Telekom Austria Group we are aware of our responsibility towards the environment and has set an ambitious environmental target: reducing CO2 emissions to net zero by 2030. This will be achieved by decreasing our own carbon footprint and gradually switching to energy from renewable sources. The signed PPA for solar energy is a significant step for A1 Bulgaria on the path to clean energy transition. As a leading communications operator it is our obligation to drive a green and digital transformation with our expertise “, commented Alexander Dimitrov, Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of A1 Bulgaria
“Corporate PPAs are the backbone of the clean energy transition and we are happy to announce the first “sleeved” PPA on the Bulgarian market”, said Yuri Katanov from Renalfa Solarpro Group. “We are proud to partner with such an industry leader as A1. I would like to congratulate the company and its management for pioneering such an innovative business model. Together, we have addressed and resolved one of the main obstacles for bigger market integrations of renewables.”
”Corporate PPAs provide competitive advantage to companies by securing long-term energy supply at a fixed price as compared to the volatile energy markets. At the same time this energy is clean and with proven RES origin, which significantly reduces the carbon footprint of the companies, contributes to safer and cleaner environment and increases their ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) ratings”, added Mr. Katanov.
A1 Bulgaria, part of A1 Group, is a leading provider of communications, payment and entertainment services as well as integrated business solutions. The company offers mobile and fixed services, high speed broadband internet, satellite TV, own interactive TV platform, four sport channels under the MAX Sport brand, financial services, ICT, cloud, and IoT solutions to more than 4,8 million customers in the country. A1 Bulgaria has a fiber network of over 21 000 km and modern infrastructure which covers 73 big cities and 133 smaller populated centres. The telecom’s 5G ULTRA network covers 85 town and resorts and the 4G networks covers over 99% of the population.